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You HAVE Got This Newsletter – January 2023

Happy New Year!

Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy 2023! I am delighted to be back in action and feeling recharged after a rest and some self care.

I want this to be the year that you remember. If healing is what you need after a distressing or traumatic birth or reproductive experience, I want you to remember your recovery. And I also want you to feel aligned and confident about your approach to parenting. You CAN have it all!

In 2023, I challenge you to put aside the shoulds and musts and focus on what feels right for you. This is an opportunity to move beyond all of the pressure that is placed on parents to make choices in our pregnancy or early parenting based on what other people expect (and sometimes what we expect of ourselves).

Let this be the year where you know deep down that you HAVE got this – even when you feel like you don’t. As you heal, learn to trust your instincts about what feels right for you and your baby. And feel confident about choosing to trust your gut by lovingly challenging your self doubt and/ or the opinions of others.

If you’re thinking that feels impossible at the moment, know that you can take this journey one step at a time. Find support that is tailored to you.

I can offer you a holistic package of support to both heal from your experiences AND build your confidence and the tools you need to parent in the way that feels right for you and your baby. I am currently offering the following support:

TBR 3 Step Rewind can help you to release distressing and unhelpful emotions that are still affecting you after a difficult or traumatic birth, reproductive or perinatal experience. This could include an experience at any point on your journey to parenting. You will also have an opportunity to tell your story (if you wish – this is not mandatory) and have your feelings heard and really acknowledged. And you will be supported to focus on how you want to feel as a parent or during your pregnancy.

Transformational coaching can help you to tune into what you want and need as a parent. And it can help you determine what will support you to parent in a way that feels good. It is also great for helping you to build your confidence as you parent. You will be supported to make an action plan that will also boost your confidence to parent the way you want!

Dancing for Birth™ classes are not just fitness classes for pregnant and new parents! They are designed to help you learn more about childbirth and build your confidence in yourself and your body. These classes also provide a fun, supportive environment where you can have some time for yourself and connect with other parents.

I look forward to hearing from you to discuss how we can work together to support your healing and help you feel confident! Please get in touch to book a free exploratory call.


Dancing for Birth™ Classes Start Online and In Person Next Week!

There is still time to book if you want to build your confidence and prepare for birth and early parenting! Email me at to book.


Introductory New Year Offer

To celebrate getting the new year and You HAVE Got This off to an amazing start, I am offering the first 3 people who sign up for The Nurturing Package a discount of more than 25%! This includes 2 free coaching sessions!

Is a previous experience of birth, perinatal or reproductive trauma still affecting you? Are you worried about how your feelings are affecting your parenting? Maybe you’re struggling to bond with your baby? Perhaps you feel very anxious and overprotective of your baby? Are you terrified of becoming pregnant again? Or are you very anxious in your current pregnancy?

This package is for you if you are struggling as a result of a previous distressing experience on your journey to parenthood. With this package, you get TBR 3 Step Rewind to support your healing and 4 coaching sessions to help you confidently parent the way you want.

The investment in this life changing package for you and your family is only £335 (instead of the already bargain price of £450) for the first 3 people who sign up in January 2023.

Get in touch to secure your space!


Challenging the ‘Shoulds’ and ‘Musts’

The pressure we place on ourselves to parent (or aspire to parent) in a specific way can be one of the biggest challenges to us feeling confident and happy. We tell ourselves we ‘should’ be doing one thing or that we ‘must’ parent in a certain way. But this can sometimes leave us feeling miserable or that we are falling short of our expectations for ourselves. If this sounds familiar and you want to feel more confident, check out this recent post.


Take Action to Build Your Confidence

At the start of a new year, we often focus on what is missing or lacking in our lives. Then we tend to focus on what we feel we need to ‘fix’ about ourselves as we make new year’s resolutions. If you’re like I have been in the past, you’ve maybe decided to change “all of the things” and then felt your resolve slip away a few days in. When this happens, we tend to give ourselves a hard time and our confidence takes a hit.

What can really help us to both build our confidence and make a desired change in our life is to acknowledge and celebrate our achievements. I’ve started doing this each year instead of making a new year’s resolution and I love how I feel afterwards.

Make some time to write down, meditate on or even tell someone else about everything you have achieved in the last year. This can include anything (it doesn’t need to relate to a specific area in your life).

However you choose to reflect, you may want to note a few things down as it can sometimes be helpful to look over what you’ve written if you need a confidence boost. You might also decide to write a poem or song or make a picture or sculpture to represent these achievements and serve as a reminder.

When you have finished thinking about all of your achievements in the last year, notice how you feel. Then focus on how it feels to make a change in your life or work towards a new goal when you think about everything that you have already accomplished! You HAVE got this!

That said, sometimes we need to go a bit deeper to really give our confidence a boost. If you feel that you are still struggling with your confidence after doing this activity, get in touch to talk about how coaching can help you to feel more confident.

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