Heal from distressing or traumatic experiences on your journey to parenthood using TBR 3 Step Rewind
Thank you for visiting this page and I am sorry that your experience during your fertility journey, pregnancy, birth or after your baby was born has brought you here.
You may not have expected to have a traumatic experience on your journey to becoming a parent. And you may not be sure whether you've had a traumatic experience (or you might be wondering if this is even a possibility).
Sadly, it is common for people to have distressing or traumatic experiences during their:
fertility journey
or early parenting (for example, if your baby is unwell, has colic or has trouble feeding).
You are not alone. Up to 45% of women describe their birth experiences as traumatic.
How you might feel or what you could experience after perinatal trauma:
Feeling on edge
Feeling low
Not taking any pleasure or interest in your life
Crying more than usual - sometimes you might not know why
Feeling numb
Being disconnected from yourself, your life or what is happening around you
Feeling constantly under stress
Have distressing thoughts or memories of what happened
Seeing distressing images of what happened (flashbacks)
Have trouble sleeping
Have nightmares about what happened
Struggle to cope with daily activities
Feel like you have not been able to bond with your baby
Been overprotective of your baby
Had difficulties in your relationship – including sexual problems
Felt afraid to have another baby or by the thought of getting pregnant
Decided not to have another baby – even though you want one
If you are having any of these feelings or symptoms after an experience on your journey to parenthood, you might be struggling with perinatal trauma.
This could be the case even if the experience was a long time ago.
Partners and birth partners may also be affected by what happened, including what they saw their partner or baby experience.
Support is available
If you want to heal after these experiences, I can help you with the Traumatic Birth Recovery (TBR) 3 Step Rewind technique over 3 sessions.
This technique helps to lift some of the difficult or heavy emotions that are the result of distressing events that you experienced on your journey to parenthood. It can also alleviate your anxiety, chronic stress and any distressing thoughts or images.
You will release any difficult or distressing emotions relating to what happened. This will help you feel calmer, happier, more confident and more energetic. You will also be able to think or speak about your experience more easily and feel able to build your confidence as a parent.
During this process, you will connect with want you want in life and focus on your plan to live your best life. I will support you to do this using a solution focused approach to help you determine any ongoing support that you might need.
What will you experience during the sessions?
Session 1 will last for approximately 90 minutes and offers you an opportunity to discuss your experience. Although this is not required if you do not feel comfortable talking about it.
During this session, we will discuss how this experience is still affecting you in your daily life. I will also support you to explore how your life will change if you no longer regularly experience these heavy emotions.
You will then be led through a guided relaxation to prepare for the next step of the process. I will give you a recording of the relaxation to listen to at least 3-4 times before the next session.
Session 2 will take place 1 week later and last for approximately 60 minutes. You will be led through the relaxation process again and then you will be guided to remember your experience in a safe and secure way using the rewind technique. This will not erase your memory of the experience but will help you to reframe (change how you see) what happened and experience it in a different way.
Session 3 will be 10-14 days after the second session and last for approximately 60 minutes. We will discuss how you have been feeling since session 2 and any changes you have noticed.
Some people will feel that their heavy emotions have lifted and they are already seeing positive changes in their life. If needed, we will explore any additional support that you may benefit from. On very rare occasions, people may also need to repeat the rewind process to help finish lifting the heavy feelings.
There is also an opportunity to work on building your confidence and explore the next steps that you will take to live the life that you want. I may also guide you through a relaxation which focuses on your life going forward.
More information about the TBR 3 Step Rewind technique is available at https://traumaticbirthrecovery.com/
Where do the sessions take place?
We can do the sessions online or in person depending on your location and preference.
This support can be offered in person at your home if you live in Fife, Edinburgh, Lothians or Perthshire (Scotland). There may be additional costs for travel depending on where you live.
Your investment
The investment is £225 for the full TBR 3 Step Rewind package of support. Payment plans can be discussed and I can offer this service on a sliding scale.
This includes:
A free call to see if the TBR 3 Step Rewind technique is right for you
A 90 minute session and two 60 minute sessions
Contact with me if needed during agreed hours between sessions to ask questions or about any concerns
Whether we are meeting in person or online, you will need to be in a distraction free environment where you will not be disturbed. You will also need to arrange any necessary childcare for the full duration of each session.
Additional Information
Please be aware that TBR 3 Step Rewind is specifically used to process difficult perinatal or reproductive experiences and is not suitable for treating complex trauma or long standing mental health difficulties.
Please also be aware that, very occasionally, additional work may also be needed following the TBR 3 Step Rewind process. This could involve repeating the rewind process, providing you with other types of support or helping you to link in with additional support.
The next step
If you are ready to heal from your experience, please get in touch. You can email me at amanda@youhavegotthis.co.uk or by use the Contact page. We can discuss whether 3 Step Rewind is right for you and talk about any concerns or questions you might have.