I had something else planned for today. But after an experience on the train to Edinburgh yesterday morning, gratitude was the self care tool I needed to post about.
My son and I struggled onto a packed train and people showed us such kindness by offering seats and for us to put our bag on the table. The younger man who was sitting across from us was kind and showed Rhys his phone (after my son made multiple grabs for it and the cord for the guy’s headphones).
Their acts of kindness, patience and consideration made my journey so much easier and more enjoyable.
But it was really focusing in on my gratitude for their kindness that made me feel a huge amount of joy. I felt great. And I expressed my thanks to them which also made them feel good if their smiles were anything to go by.
And I’ve noticed that when I deliberately focus on gratitude (especially at the end of a more challenging day), I feel so much better and I can share those more positive feelings with others (usually my family).
So I’m going to focus on gratitude today. And I would love it if you want to share what you’re feeling grateful for today in the comments below!